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Practice 3: Autolocalization

2 minute read

In this practice we were supposed to implement an autolocalization algorithm based on the Perspective N Points (PnP) algorithm. The algorithm is based on th...

Practice 2: 3Dimensional reconstruction

3 minute read

In this practical, a 3-D reconstruction was required from the images obtained by two cameras, placed side by side, of a scene. The process followed to carry ...

Day 2 - Development of 3 PD controllers

1 minute read

These last days I’ve been working on the development of the exercise of the subject “Robotic Vision”, in particular, I have successfully developed 3 PD contr...

Day 1 - P controller

1 minute read

In this post I’ll explain the first approach in order to complete the first exercise of the subject “Visión Robótica” of the Computer Vision master.